Fulford (GB) v Forster (Aus)
Submitted by Admin on Thu, 19/08/2010 - 18:31 +0100
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MacRobertson Shield 2010 |
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Fulford (GB) v Forster (Aus)
Submitted by Admin on Thu, 19/08/2010 - 18:31 +0100
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A bit breezy this morning, and full cloud cover. Chris has just told me the forecast is 20% chance of rain.
Looks to me like there is some issue with the balls on this lawn (Lawn 4). Rhys is out testing a new set of balls in the hoops. One of the balls was off-round apparently, and the set of balls has been completely replaced.
Fulford plays K to supershot position.
R goes to C2.
U shoots at R. Hits.
R is sent 7 yds behind H1, 2 yd cut rush towards H1. Rushes K to 3 yds behind the hoop and takes off. Gets 1 yd hoop and runs with control. Sends K to H3 with good rush on R. Should have 3-ball break from here.
Fulford is running 1b with the break under full control.
Fulford lays K up with R on E boundary and sends U off the W boundary.
Forster shoots Y at K from A baulk and misses.
Y is sent out from the E boundary a few yards, and R is rushed to U. R goes 6 yds SW of H2, makes H1 off U. Rushes U to W boundary by H4 and gets it nicely to H3 with a rush on Y. Should be a standard tp from here.
Rob manages to rush-peel 4b before he makes H3.
Rob peels penult after H6 from 6" in front. Full control.
Rover is peeled going to 3b. This game looks all over.
Fulford wins with a clinical 5th turn 26tp.
Straight into game 2.
Forster plays U to C2.
Fulford plays R to C4.
Forster shoots at R with K. Misses into C4. It seems R was short of the corner by 2 ft. Rob must have a bit more than a ball to shoot at as I think R is just off S boundary, but not by much.
Rob asks Stephen to adjust the ball on the corner spot.
Y misses into C4.
Forster has established his break, and has all the balls as he makes H4.
Forster looked like he was having a 1-back leave there for a moment. He had R/Y across H1 and partner ball at H6. However he decides not to do this and continues his break.
Forster is leaving Y on the back of H1, trying to put it there from a yard away. Y goes into a good position behind the hoop. I guess he was trying to pop earlier, but didn't get the position. He leaves U by H1 as well as he makes 3b off R. I guess Y isn't where he wants it.
Sends R to max position on W boundary, and lays up with partner on E boundary. I didn't see him move Y which still seems to be where it was, slightly in the jaws of H1.
R lifts and hits Y, rushing to 6 yds S of H2. Takes off to U/K.
Fulford rushes U to H1 and makes it with a rush back to K. Sends U to H3 with rush on K to W boundary 7 yds S of Y. Gets K well towards H3, gets rush on Y to H2. Has control now for a tpo if he wants it.
Turns down the tpo. He is planning to pop U before H5.
Pops before H5 as planned. U goes through by about 2 yards. Y is sent S of H1 after making H5, and U rushed down beyond K. It goes back to H1. Looks like a 1-back leave coming up.
Rushes K back to H1 after making H6, and leaves it NNW of the hoop. Rushes U to quite a deep position, 2 yds off S boundary. Puts into wired position 1 yd off the boundary. Rushes Y to W of H3.
Lays up putting Y almost on N boundary in front of H3, and putting R in the jaws of H3. Full defensive leave.
U shoots at Y. Hits. Good job he had that leave!
Forster rolls Y to H3, rushes R to 5 yds E of rover. Takes off to K at H1. Gets good rush to H2.
Gets rush on K to mid E boundary. Rolls to 1.5 yds in front of 4b. Makes H3 off Y and jawses K. He has all the balls to complete the tp.
Gets the rush-peel after making H5, and rolls K to behind penult, but is close behind K and can't hit either R or Y. Vincent comes out to watch a scatter shot. Y is at 1b, R is behind H6.
Plays the scatter after some thinking, and it is given clean. Hilditch declares it must have been a fault, from the sidelines.
K has gone off mid W boundary, U a yard or two out of C4 on S boundary.
Looks like Y is hampered on R. Plays R instead. Hits 7 yarder, rushing Y into C2.
Takes off from Y to K, moving Y a yard out of corner on N boundary. Gets rush on K to 2 ft behind 1b. Gets a very angled hoop position.
Declines the hoop, goes to mid N boundary.
K shoots at Y in C2 - 7/8yds. Hits.
Takes off from Y to R, and gets a rush to penult. Makes the hoop with no rush.
Taps R to a wired position from Y, and takes off to U. Lays rush W of C4, presumably getting one ball wired from R by H4.
R shoots at U/K. Misses
R is sent a little off the boundary, and K rushed to C2. K goes most of the way to 1b, and Y is rushed to H6. A good chance to finish from here.
Makes 1b with Y 4 yds N of 2b, R 6 yds S of 3b. K goes to 3b and gets good rush on Y to 2b.
Rushes Y behind rover after making 2b, takes off to R which is then sent to 4b. Has full control now.
Tries to get rush on K to rover after 3b, but runs too far. Puts K nicely in front of rover with a rush to R.
Irish peels K from a few inches in front. Finishes to level the match, +20.
Game 3.
Rob plays Y to supershot.
K shoots and goes past to near H6.
R shoots at K from B baulk, hits. He has a 3-ball break.
Rob has made H6, has full control of the break.
Rob lays up with Y and K on E boundary, and sends R just short of W boundary.
Forster shoots from C3. Hits to resounding silence, and he claps himself.
Y is sent behind H4, and he rushes K to mid N boundary.
Takes off from K to R, but gets no rush. Hits R and leaves it there and returns to K. Looks like K may be wired from R, and he takes a close position next to it.
Y shoots at U/K double, and hits K. Rob gets the applause.
Rushes U to R, then R to H1 and makes it. Gets a rush on R to C3. Sends it to H3 getting rush on K to U.
Gets K well off the boundary and makes H2 off U. Sends U to H4, gets rush on K to R at H3. Should be a standard tp from here.
Peels 4b after H3. Full control.
Peels penult after H6. Full control.
Rover peel before 3b. Should be all over.
Rob wins +26tp, -20, +26tp