Beijderwellen (GB) v Landrebe (Aus)

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This game had a late start.

The weather is still windy and overcast.

Rutger plays K to C2.


R is played to mid E boundary from B baulk.

U shoots at R.  Hits, cutting off boundary.

Rutger leaves a close rush towards C2 on E boundary.  That would be a double target to me!

Y misses to C4.

U rushes R to C2.  No cannon.

R is sent a yard out of corner, and K rushed to H1.

Makes H1, but gets no rush.  Rolls K to within yard area behind H2.  Hits R.  Sends R to past H4 on his approach to H2.  Gets a 4 yd hoop, slightly angled.  Clips U on his swings, puts it back and tries again.

Another refusal from Rutger.  Lots of swings here.  To applause from the crowd, he runs the hoop.

Didn't quite get as far as the boundary.  Cuts K to just off N boundary in front of H3.  Approaches sending K peg high, gets angled hoop.  Runs to S boundary near R.

Rushes R back past K.  Sends it 4 yds short of H5, getting his rush on K to H4.

Ignores Y in C4 after H4, continues with 3-ball break.

He is just approaching 2b, with Y still in C4.

Puts Y to peg before making 3b.

Sends R 4 yds off W boundary almost level with the peg.  Rests Y on the peg in horizonal spread position.  Hits K which is near rover.  Rolls to E boundary.

4b 1 1 1

R is lifted and shoots from 3 yds W of C3.  Misses to C4.

Rutger picks up 3-ball break, runs H1.  R is still in C4.

Rutger sticks in H3 from nowhere.

4b 3 1 1

Y hits K in the jaws.  Takes off to R in C4.

Over-hits the shot out of C4.  R goes well past H2 and his rush is pointing SW.  Rushes U to 3 yds in front of H1 and makes it with no forward rush.

Takes off to K, and from there to R.  Misses the cut rush to H2, Y goes to mid W boundary.

K has a short angled H3, and opts to run it.  Goes to opposite rover.  Shoots at U, 14yds.  Hits centre ball.

Takes off from U to Y, leaving U on S boundary in front of H1.  Rushes Y to C2.  Sends Y to H6, gets rush on R to H4.

R misses the peg by nothing, but goes to 3 yds short of H4.  Approaches well and runs to boundary with rush on R to H5.

Runs H5 and continues with what is now a 3-ball break.  U is still on the S boundary by H1.

Rushes Y to C1 after H6.  Sends it to 2b, with rush E on U which he cuts to SE of rover.  Rolls it to 4b going to R at 1b.

Makes 1b and puts R to 4b, setting up for the peel before 3b.

Gets cut-rush after 2b which goes to E boundary opposite 4b.  Rolls to E of penult geting rush on U.  Rushes close to 4b, has an angled peel pointing NW.  Peels with about a 2 yd rush to 3b.

Rushes R well to 2 yds SW of 3b.  Runs with no forward rush.  Rolls R 1 yd W of penult, gets a 2 yd rush on U towards penult.  Rushes to 1.5yds in front of penult.

Peels U to halfway between peg and rover.  Gets rush to 4b.  Should finish now.

Puts U 1 ft in front of rover before going back to R at penult.

Irish peels rover from 6" in front, and Rutger takes the first, 25tp.

Test Score
GB 6 3 AUS
Match Score
GB 1 0 AUS




1 K to anti-Duffer, 2 yds off E boundary

2 R to 6" S of C2

3 U to E boundary leaving itself a rush to C2

Y misses K into C4 from B baulk

5 U rushes into C2

Makes 1 with no rush. Rolls R to 3 but goes off in C2 going to K


2 1 1 1

6 R misses U&K from 3 yds E of hoop 3

7 Peter plays K, for 1, which seems strange. And even stranger when he clangs 1, albeit off partner

R shoots at U/K.  Hits K in the jaws, sends it 2 ft back through the hoop.  K is sent to H2, gets rush on U back to H1.  Y is still in C4.

Rushes U to H6 after making H3.  Takes off to Y in C4.  K is 2 yds NNW of H4.  Sends Y 7 yds W of H5 and gets his rush on K to H4. 

Rushes K 3 yds N of Y after H4.  Sends it to 2b with rush on Y to H5.  He has his break under control now.

He makes H5, and pops K well down to H2 going to U at H6.

Rushes U to close to Y/K after making H6.  All the balls are about 3 yds S of 1b.  He has a long think.

Sends U towards 1b, rushes Y N and sends it to 2b getting rush on K to 1b.  I don't know if he was thinking of leaving a ball on H2, which would seem daft with oppo for 2 & 2, but he decides now to rush U to C2, and leaves it there taking off back to K.  Seems like an odd choice to leave U there.

Makes 2b and rushes Y towards the peg.  He rolls it to 3 yds off mid E boundary, going to K at 3b.  Its not clear to me what leave he is planning.

Gets rush on K after 3b back to U.  Goes off 3 yds S of C2.  Rolls the balls into C2.  It goes back onto the corner spot, and it looks like he's stymied on U.  What a classic!

Tries to clip U, but misses to 5 yds out of corner.

2 2 4b 1

U plays, and sends K to H3 with a rush on R to H2.  Instant break, thank you very much!

Makes H2 and rushes R E of peg.  Thinks about sending it to 4b for the tpo, but decides against.  It goes to H4 instead.

U is on a controlled break, just approaching 1b.

R is left a yard off W boundary after making 1b.  Looks like an NSL with the H1 ball on 3b.

Yes, NSL it is.  Has he remembered he is for H2 with K?  He looked at the rushline to H1 after placing Y, but then seemed to remember and checked it rushes to H2.  It does.

4b 2 4b 1

Rutger lifts Y to C3 and shoots at K.  Misses narrowly into C4.

K rushes U about 8 yds S of R.  Sends it to behind H6 getting his rush on R to H2.

Plays a good croquet stroke after making H2, and he has his 3-ball break with Y in C4 still.  Takes off from U after H3, leaving it 2 yds W of 4b.  Hits Y and sends it to H5 going to R at H4.

Rushes R to near H6 after making H4, and sets R and U up for the delayed peel.

Runs H5 by 6", and is hampered on Y, which is 3 yds N.  Hits no problem, but gets no rush.  Rolls Y a bit deep in front of 1b, gets 2 yd rush on U which he takes well to close in front of 4b.  Peels 4 yds through and rushes R to H6.

Rushes R to E boundary after H6, 4 yds S of C3.  Sends R to penult and rushes U to N boundary.  Plays a good split, U goes well to 2b, with a close rush on Y to 1b.

Rushes U after 2b to penult, goes 3 yds NW of the hoop.  Tries the speculative peel.  It fails to trouble the hoop.  Leaves the 2 balls there going to Y at 3b.

Gets his forward rush out of 3b.  Rushes just past peg, and rolls Y 2 yds behind penult.  Rushes U to 1 yd in front.  Peels getting U to 2 yds short of the peg.

Sends U to 1 yd in front of rover before rusing Y back to penult.

Irish peels from 1 ft in front.  K sticks in the jaws.  Finishes to win +17tp and level the match.

Test Score
GB 6 3 AUS
Match Score
GB 1 1 AUS

They break for a very late lunch.  I think its all been cleared away, and they have to make do with bread and cheese.

They are off again.  K plays to C2.

They have switched colours.


Y goes to 1 yd N of C4.

U shoots at Y from B baulk.  Misses into C4.

Landrebe shoots at U, misses.

R gets sent out of corner by 3 yds, rush on Y right into C2.

Plays the cannon sending Y into K, getting Y 2 yds out of C2 and a good rush on K to H1.

Runs H1 and gets a rush to C4.  Gets K well out and a rush on R into C2.  Puts R out well behind H2, rushes Y to close in front of H2.  Runs to R and rushes R to W boundary.  Gets R to H6, rushes Y to K.  Puts Y to H4, gets cut rush on K to H3 which he takes to 6 yds N of H3.  Plays a good approach.  Runs right to H4.

Makes H4 off Y with no H5 pioneer, rushes Y back just N of K and rushes K to H5.  He has his break now.

He leaves R on H2, heading for an MSL.

Yep, MSL with Y on H4 and R on H2.

4b 1 1 1

Lifts R and shoots from A baulk.  Looks like it wasn't put quite on the end of the baulk line, I think he may have part of Y as a double with K.  Hits K.

Puts K well out, rushes U to C4.  Sends it well to H2 and rushes R to 1 yd behind H1.  Takes off and makes H1 with no rush.

Rolls Y to H4, rushes K only peg high, and splits it to H3 going to U at H2.  Gets no rush after H2.  He has a break.  Rolls U to 4b going to K.  U goes 3 yds SSE of 4b.  Rushes K into the back of H3, and has an awkward take-off.  Runs H3 hard, one of those 'can't possibly miss K' shots, but it does, going to S boundary.  Shoots back at Y at H4, 7 yds.  Misses to mid N boundary.

4b 1 4 1

K rushes U 3 yds S of Y.  U goes about peg high, with a rush on Y to R.  Y goes off 2" W of R.

Thin take-off to rush R to H1.  Clubs it to S boundary in front of H1.

Plays reasonable approach, gets 1 yd hoop.  Runs it to H2.  R is peg high behind H1.  Shoots at Y on N boundary.  Suicide!

Hits centre-ball.

That shot was about 13 yds.  Takes off to U.  Rushes it to H1 and sends it to H3 getting his rush on R to H2.

Runs H2.  He has all the balls now for a standard tp.

Peels 4b after H3.  He has full control.

Fails to get a rush after H4, trying for too close control.  Sends Y to H6 and goes to R at H5 leaving U 1 yd behind 4b.

Rushes R to wide of H6, and sends R deep behind H6 going to U.  Red has been sent off!

pen 6 4 1

R hits K, sending to E boundary opposite H3.

Sends K to S of H6, rushes U to N of H6.  Sends U to 5, gets rush on Y which he takes to 5 yds in front of H4.  Good approach and runs.  He has a break.

He is making H5 off U, so probably no double peel.

Makes 1b off U, and rushes it in front of penult.  Jawses U going to Y which is 2 yds N of peg.  K is at 2b.

Sends K to 4b and rush-peels U to 1.5yds NNE of rover.  Doesn't try peel, goes to Y at 3b.

Sends Y 2 ft SE of rover after making penult.  K goes 1 ft ENE of rover.  Irish peels from 4" in front of rover.  U goes well through, R runs by 4".  Rushes Y to 1 yd W of C4.  Takes off back to K, which he rushes to U.

Pegs out U, and goes into C1.

box 1 peg 1

K takes contact from R.  Sends it to H6, but goes off the S boundary roughly on the end of A baulk.

K is apparently fully wired from R by H5.

Opts to move R anyway, plays back to C1.

K shoots at R.  Misses into C1.

R sends K to H3, has 10 yd shot on Y along S boundary.  Hits.

Rolls Y to boundary in front of H1.  Tries to find wired position 2 yds in.

K plays into C1!!  Surely madness.

Y hits K, 5/6 yds.

K is sent to 3 yds W of peg.  Runs hoop 1 off R.

R is sent to H3, gets good rush to H2.  Has 3-ball break.

Slightly hampered after H5, but copes.  Has full control over the 3-ball break.

He has just run 3b with a forward rush.  This is all over.

Landrebe finishes to win -25tp, +17tp, +8

Test Score
GB 8 4 AUS
Match Score
GB 1 2 AUS