Commentary on Lines (GB) v Grimsley (USA)

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For background and weather etc see Fulford v Rothman

Doug is practicing shooting on the least flat area of the lawn

Lines and Grimsley have got bored of practicing and are now chatting

Grimsley UK

Lines RY


T1  U to 7y N of C4

T2  R just S of C2

T3 K hits U from A- baulk, takes off to R, leaving 7 yarder. Misses - should be a double if Ians first shot was good

T4 Y hits R in the middle - it looked like a nice double

Lines got a rush to U and has made hoop 1 and rushed U back to E boundary, but 7 yards N of K.


He'll need a good take-off to get a rush on K to corner 2 or hoop 2

Opts to play a roll sending U to hoop 4 and ends up with a rush on K pointing at hoop 6 which he rushes 4 yards E of C2.


That should leave an easy take-off behind the ball that's a couple of feet out of the corner

Decent take-off, but the rush still leaves him a 3 yard sideways hoop approach. He's opting to stop R towards hoop3 and hoping to run hoop 2 to K on the boundary.


Excellent shot sees R 4 yards short of hoop 3 and he gets a short straight hoop which he runs without touching the wire. This is a 4-ball break now

Lines has stuck in hoop 3 from about a foot leaving Grimsley a 2 yarder. K hits R and rush -peels Y through hoop3 down to U at hoop 4. K rushes U nicely to hoop 1

T5 (cont) Grimsley played a few good shots to get a great position, but then followed by not getting a great rush to hoop 2. He is now approaching from 5 yards SW and has left himself a 1 yard 30 degree hoop.


Blobs, leaving red a 3yarder which it rushes off the S boundary.








R taking croquet from K on the S boundary in front of hoop 1 with balls at 3 and 4

R has rolled K to hoop 4 and rushed Y to 7y N or hoop 1. A defensive roll back to hoop 1 doesn't leave a possible hoop and he has guarded the corner

Grimsley shoots U at hoop 3 to K 3 yards S of hoop 4......... snicks to US applause. He's got 2 balls at his hoop and this should be an easy break

For some reason, Grimsley sent K to hoop 3 meaning that he hasn't got a hoop 2 pioneer

Grimsley has made hoop 2 and now has a break again. Will we see him try and pop R to hoop 3?


There are lots of very strong leaves available with these clips

Grimsley has just had to approach hoop 4 from 4 yards, but has coped

Grimsley is just playing a basic break. He's on 1-b and hasn't even looked at putting R (or even Y) on hoop 2 (Ks hoop)

I think we'll be seeing a spread which is a lost opportunity

Grimsley has made a reverse spread. Y is at peg, R about 5 feet off the E boundary 9y N of C4.

K has a rush on U to Y and is laid up level with hoop 2



K 2

U 4B

R 1

Y 4

T8 Lines lifts Y and takes the short lift from B-Baulk at K.........snicks

Lines has a 4-b break. Can he make a good leave?

Lines turns down good opportunity to pop K through hoop 2 before hoop 6

Hasn't even looked at this pop. It would make his leave much stronger

This has been a disappointing break from Lines. No pops and he hasn't even managed to get a spread. It's an OSL encouraging K for hoop 2 to play.

Needs a miss from Grimsley


R 1

Y 4b

U 4B

K 2


Grimsley has lifted K and is taking the obligatory 13 yarder at R..................... hits quarter ball

Grimsley is punishing the poor leave. He has peeled 4-b after 3 and has a perfect position


Until he rushed back after hoop4 and finished in 4-b. Not disastrous, but may take a bit of recovering

Grimsley has just peeled penult form 8 yards going to his hoop 5 pioneer

and then overapproached hoop 5. About 45 degrees............ no problem

Misses 4 to 5 yarder after the hoop



R has an 8 yarder from behind 4-b to U in front of hoop 6

Snicks it.


Has made hoop 1 and a standard TP ahead of him.

Lines has peeled 4-b after hoop 3. Everything is under control

Lines finishes +10TP

GB 1 USA 0


Test Score GB 5 USA 2

Game 2

Lines UK

Grimsley RY


T1 K 9yards N of C4

T2 Y 2ft S of C2

T3 U plays into C2

T4 R misses U

T5 Lines rushes 1 ft in front of hoop 1 and has made it with a rush to the E boundary.

Take it to 5yards N of and plays a decent take-off to get rush NW.


As in previous game rushes to 5y E of C2 and is now playing a stoppo appraoch to hoop 2

Gets 4 foot angled hoop.............sticks


R is at hoop 3 and doesn't have anything too attractive

R misses 15 yarder at Y

Lines has just missed a 3 yarder at his hoop 4 pioneer

Grimsley hits 4 yarder. He has croquet for hoop 1 behind hoop 4 with R 2 yards NE of hoop 5 and K near C2

Grimsley has break with Y

Grimsley has Y round to 4-b with a spread.

U for hoop 4 is at the peg

Lines has lifted K, his hoop 1 ball and is taking the long lift......hits in the middle

Underapproaches hoop 1 and takes position. Grimsleys 4-b ball is at hoop 2 - dare he play his hoop 1 ball at hoop 3?

No. Grimsley plays Y at U at hoop 1 and misses narrowly

Lines has 3 ball break on hoop 2

No, it wasn't lunch, just a very slow ball to 4-b.



K 4b

U 4

R 1

Y 4b


Lines has made a reverse diagonal spread with R at the peg.

Failing to make a leave with Y in hoop 4 is very disappointing

Grimsley lifts R and is taking the shot at U from B-Baulk........misses

Lines has a 4-ball break for hoop 6. Looks like a ball to the peg

Lines McCulloughs K to 3-b


U peg

K 4-b

Y 4-b

R 1


Lines has made a diagonal spread with Y at the peg

Grimsley will be lifting R.


He's taking the short lift - about 16 yards...............

Narrowly misses the inlawn ball. That should be that.

Lines win +10TP +17


Test score GB 7 USA 2


but Soo's close to making it 7-3