Commentary on Maugham (GB) v Huneycutt (USA)

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There are 6 singles matches today and Bowdon only has 4 lawns.  So this is a secord session match.

The players have started practicing on lawn 2 where Fulford has just defeated Rothman

Maugham UK (how did that happen?)

Huneycutt RY


T1 K 13 yard supershot

T2 Y 7 yards E of peg

T3 U shoots at Y towards C4.............misses

T4 R misses Y from the end of A-baulk finishing 3 yards S of C3

T5 K hits U, croquets U short of hoop 2 and finishes with a 3 yarder on Y pointing hoop 4. Decent cut-rush to 12 yards E of C1

Good appraoch. 5 ft straightish hoop. Blobs.


I'm not sure how much of K Huneycutt can see

Hits, makes 1 and is now shuffling the balls around

Huneycutt has just rolled off hoop 2 from S of the peg and should pick up a break now

Huneycutt has a 3 ball break and is on hoop 4

Huneycutt is hampered after hoop 5

Hits with airborne sweep

Huneycutt get to 4-b with Y and makes a spread.


Maugham lifts U at 2 and misses the long lift

Huneycutt is on hoop 6 with no peels

Huneycutt has left his 2-b pioneer at 4-b

He now has a poor 3-b pioneer and hasn't rushed Y into peeling position, so needs to take off and get a rush on K to 2-b.


Rushes K 3yards E of 2-b

Makes 2-b and hits 5yarder after hoop

Huneycutt is starting his STP

4-b peel done and the peelee is now his rover pioneer. Can he get a good leave?

Huneycutt has put U on the back of penult. After making rover off Y, he hasn't managed to get a rush to the East boundary and is now croqueting Y towards the E boundary from near the peg.

Decent shot and he has rushed K off the W boundary level with hoop 6. He's taken off to U to tidy it up.


U is left on the right hand wire of hoop 6 and he dribbles R back to Y leaving a 3 yard rush

Maugham lifts U to A-baulk and hits a 16 yarder at R

He snicked it very hard rushing it 12 yards N of Y, took off back to Y and got a cut-rush which he missed to 3 yards W of C3.


Huneycutt lags R back to Y

Maugham shoots U at Y , missing

Huneycutt has made penult and is now rushing partner to rover from near C2

Attempted to take the rush to U near C4 and rushed it to the middle of the E boundary.


Takes off to U and rolls up to rover sending U West of the end of A-baulk


Gets in front and runs it off the lawn

Hits U to 3 yards W of hoop 1. He now has K near C2 and R about a foot off the middle of the E boundary

Excellent take-off to R obtains a rush to the peg and a 2 foot peg out takes a 1-0 lead


USA 1-0 +26


Test score GB 6 USA 2



Huneycutt UK

Maugham RY (that's better!)


U to 11yards N of C4

Y just S of C2

K shoots a U from B-Baulk at an angle..................hits in the middle

Rolls up the E boundary to max distance spot and leaves rush to C2

T4 R shoots at K from A-Baulk............misses

Huneycutt fails hoop 1 off partner. Maugham has a 15yarder with R at U

Looks like he's wired from both balls at hoop 1.


He's shooting with Y in C at U - about 26 yards............misses

Huneycutt should go round from here. He's made the first two hoops and has a ball near 3

Huneycutt ended up having to approach hoop 4 with a 5yard backward take-off and failed a 2 yard straight hoop.


Maugham has a short roquet with a fairly easy chance of a break.


It was starting to look like the USA might be able to claw back to 5-7 before that.

Maugham has a 4 ball break

Hampered after hoop 4


Pops U into jaws of 1 before hoop 5. Remember K is already on hoop 4

A good turn from Maugham showing why he's been one of the top players in the world for so long. He's popped U to 3 and has made a good defensive leave.



Y 4b

R 1

U 3

K 4


K is a few inches N of C4

U is in the middle of the W boundary

R has a 1ft rush S on Y just S of C2

Huneycutt lifted U and hit R from B-Baulk.


A tough hoop 3 wasn't enough and he has given Maugham a bonus 19 yarder  ................... hits in the middle.

R is now taking croquet from Y on the W boundary levle with hoop 2, with oppos balls in C4. He should finish from here.

A bad corner 4 cannon was followed by a good approach, but he ran the hoop firmly and was left with a choice of a 7 yard return roquet or a 9 yarder at partner giving a standard tp.


He's hit the 9 yarder.

.....and made hoop 2 with all the balls

Maugham jawsed the peelee after hoop 3 and went back to after hoop 4, rush peeled it and took off back to his hoop 5 pioneer and missed it from 3 yards.


R 5

Y penult

K 4

U 4 with break


Will we see a DPO?

It's a DPO from Danny, who managed to inadvertently peel partner to hoop 5 during the turn as well.



U peg

K 5

R 5

Y box


R has a contact


Leave is;

K 4 yards S of C2

U in C3

R takes contact from K and plays a thick take -off going to U moving K 6 yards. He has a 5 yarder at U...........hits

A big roll send U 10 yards E of C2 and R has a 7 yard 20 degree hoop

Decent attempt. Finishes 1 foot E of hoop.

K at U is 15 yards.................hits


Huneycutt needs a big pass roll to send a ball to 6 from the end of B-B aulk going to R at 5

Overhits it slightly, but should be good enough

He's through 5 and has a break for the match and to close the Test to 4-7

Huneycutt finishes

Match to USA +26 +9


Test score GB 7 USA 4


That's me done for the day.