Commentary on Beijderwellen (GB) v Bast (USA)

Lawn 4.  Rutger Beijderwellen (GB) won +12tpo, +26tp

Game 1 colours:

Rutger Beijderwellen R & Y

Jim Bast B & K

Game 2 colours:

Rutger Beijderwellen B & K

Jim Bast R & Y


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G1T1: Rutger Y supershot opening

G1T2: Jim K to 3 yds off E Boundary

G1T3: R missed K.

G1T4: B hit R from B-Baulk and is going round.

G1T4: B gets to 4-B, but with a loose leave.  R between peg and H1, Y near W boundary N of H2.

G1T5: Rutger lifts R and hits Y.

G1T6: R runs H1, but is hampered with B some feet north of it.  Hits hard sweep shot, joining Y near H2.

G1T7: K (halfway down E boundary) shoots at Y (near W boundary by H2) and narrowly misses.

G1T8: Rutger has just run H1 and 2 with Y, and has balls at H3 for a TPO.

G1T8: Rutger goes for the TPO, with a clean peel of B after H3, but appeared to abandon it (placing the B clip on penult) after running H6, off Y with B and R both near H4.  After much thought, he rushed B to 1-B, and resumed the TPO after rushing it after the hoop to penult and doing a death roll peel going to the balls at H4.

G1T8: Rutger completes TPO of B (but only after croqueting K into the jaws of rover after running penult, failing to cannon it out with B but doing so with a rush on R), leaving his partner ball R for H2, and Jim's K for H1.  R left on E boundary, wired by 4 from H1, Y in C2, K by H5.

G1T9: K took contact from R, taking off to Y in C2.  Took off again almost to S boundary in front of H1, and ran it by 2 yds.  Hit Y in C2, with R by H4, but bounces off H2, leaving Y beside it.

G1T10: R & K both for H2, Y for peg, B in box. Rutger has the two balls and is laying up in C4, with K by H2.

G1T11: K to middle of W boundary.

G1T12: R rushed Y to 4 yd SW of 4, then took off to get a rush on K to H2.  Thunders through H2 and now has a 3-ball break.

G1T11: Rutger now at 3-Back.

G1T11: Rutger now at 3-Back.

G1T11: Rutger wins +12tpo.

GB win first game +12tpo.

G2T1:  Players swap colours ... to the annoyance of the commentator!  Jim plays Y to supershot position.

G2T2: Rutger plays K to C2 (which is behind a bank for me)..

G2T3:  R misses K

G2T4: B hits balls in C2, runs H1 from ~ 1yd silently to N boundary, where it hits R and starts a break.

G2T4: Rutger leaves horizontal diagonal spread, with R near W boundary, Y 2ft E of peg.  B is for 4-B, the other clips still on H1.

G2T5: Jim lifts Y and looks at line from C3 to K, where there seems to be a line of different coloured grass.  Takes the shot and just misses to the boundary side into C4.

G2T6: Rutger is about to make H4 off partner, having sent Y from C4 up to 4-B ready for a delayed TP.

G2T6: Rutger now for 2-B, but still no peel.  He is attempting the 4-B peel now, with his 2-B just at the side of 4-B.  The peel goes through, but hampers his backswing for the rush.   He cuts it to 7 yd north of 2-B, then talks to his opponent and waves some flies away before attempting the approach. 

G2T6: Colin Irwin comes out with a fly spray.  Rutger approaches to 1yd and hammers through.

G2T6: Rutger completes his delayed TP to win +26tp.

GB win 2-0, +12tpo, +26tp