Grimsley (USA) v Bryant (NZ)
Submitted by Admin on Wed, 18/08/2010 - 17:23 +0100
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Grimsley (USA) v Bryant (NZ)
Submitted by Admin on Wed, 18/08/2010 - 17:23 +0100
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Singles day for NZ/USA today, as GB/Aus play doubles. As I write, the sun is glaring on my screen, and we are trying to rig up a sun-shade. The forecast is dry until later this afternoon. Lawns were measured at 11/11.5 last night, may be getting quicker.
This match I've just been told will be 15 minutes late starting, due to some confusion with a previous decision from the Mac meeting not having been communicated to the manager.
Bryant plays U to Supershot position, just past rover.
Y shoots at U, misses and goes 3 yds past.
K shoots at double hard. Goes through the middle to N boundary, behind H2.
R shoots at K - 7 yds. Hits, cutting into lawn a little.
Takes off leaving K 3 yds off boundary behind H2. Should be an easy break from here.
Sends U to H3 after making H1, and has a good rush on Y. However, he cuts it to nowhere and has to take off to K. Approaches H2 from 3 yds behind. Good approach, and he runs but only by 6". Hampered shot at K. Hits.
Jenny makes 3b. Looks like she's going for 3 ducks leave.
Sorry, wrong commentary syndrome. Grimsley is approaching H4 with full control of the break.
Grimsley is leaving Y and U at the peg as he makes 3b off K. Looks like a spread coming up.
K is 2 yds off W boundary opposite H6. U is at the peg. Lays up on E boundary.
Bryant lifts U and is shooting from the end of A baulk. Misses.
A bit of a rough pick-up here. U has been sent to be on the wire at H4. Poor rush on R, goes well S of K Sends R to H2 and rushes K to 3 yds E of H1. Good approach, and runs with rush to R.
Makes H2 with good rush to 4 yds W of H3. Sends R to peeling position, a bit short. Manages to cut K to behind R, but seems to be able to approach hoop around R OK. Hits R, but doesn't have the angle to peel. Puts R in front of 4b and gets his rush to U.
R and U set up at 4b before going to K at H5.
Gets a semi-hampered rush on K after H5, which he takes to the peg. Splits to 1b with too long a rush on R. Rushes into wire, and can't peel.Leaves it there getting his rush on U to H6.
Gets rush on U to C4 after H6. Cuts it to mid E boundary. Sends it to 7 yds in front of 2b, gets rush on R pointing N, which isn't good enough. Bounces R off the wire. The crowd tell me he was trying to rush-peel, but I think it was on the wire. Has no angle to peel going to K, and rolls it to behind 1b instead.
This is a full abandonment by Grimsley. K has gone to the peg and R is going to 3b after 1b. Gets good rush on U, but it goes 4 yds W of 2b. Approaches short, has 45 deg hoop which he shanks off missing the hoop altogether.
K is lifted to A baulk near Y, and rushes to E boundary. Sends to H2 with a rush on R which was at 3b. U is still at H1, so he has an easy break.
Bryant peels U through H1, before making it himself. Didn't see the run-up to that, so not sure if he intended it or just rushed U into jaws.
Bryant has set up for a tpo. R is jawsed after making H3.
Not sure about the wisdom of tpoing when the other ball is for 2b. Anyway, rushes back after H4 and rush-peels. Takes off back to U at H5.
Sends R to in front of penult from near 4b. It goes too far, but may be OK if he can just tap it after running H6. Runs H6 too far and rushes R behind penult. Sends it back into position getting rush on Y.
Bryant plays death roll after 1b, R goes through to peg. U is his 3b pioneer, and has only gone to 4 yds E of peg.
Tries to rush R after 3b, but doesn't get the peel.
Leaves U by the peg after penult, sends Y behind rover and rushes R to 1 ft in front. Irish peels. R goes to just off S boundary, K jawses. Gets rush on Y to R.
R is pegged out, with rush on U to C2. K goes to C3.
Y splits K to 3b going to U in C2. Plays big roll to 2b. Good shot, gets 3 yd hoop, slightly angled. Plays it softish, and it bounces out onto a wire.
U has a part-wired shot at Y. Hits to the W boundary. Rolls Y in front of 3b, but hits H1 with U so has a long roquet to K. Retires to C3. Y has 3 yd roquet on K. Hits and rolls to 2b.
Sorry, didn't see where he rolled to, but looks like he had a hoop attempt (or maybe just layed up), and Y is now close in front of 2b, wired from K. K goes 1 yd S of U in C3.
Seems Y can't run 2b, takes position. U cuts K to in front of H1. Sends K to H2 and rushes Y to 2 yds N of C4. Takes off back to K.
U goes to position wired from Y 2 yds out of C2 on N boundary.
Y goes to mid W boundary.
U rushes K, which hits peg and bounces 3 yds E. Rolls K back to H2 going to Y. Sends Y to H3, gets difficult 2 yd hoop and opts to retire to C4.
Y shoots at K (10 yds). Hits. Rolls to 2b, has 5 yd hoop. Misses to 1 yd E of C1.
K retires to N boundary behind H2.
Y takes position at 2b - 1 yd in front.
U shoots at K. Hits.
Takes off to Y. Goes 4 yds past and rushes Y to halfway between H2 and H6. Takes off to hoop. Runs H2 to K.
Sends K to H4, gets cut on Y which goes 6 yds to W of H3. Good approach to 2 ft in front. Runs to 6 yds past Y. Hits to N boundary. U has a 3-ball break now.
Bryant is still on 3-ball break, just made H5 with his H6 pioneer at the peg.
Break could be tidier, but Bryant is coping well. Just made 1b.
Bryant finishes his break to win +6tpo
They break for lunch.
They switch colours.
K goes to E boundary.
Y shoots to C4.
U hits K, takes off to Y but gets no rush. Sends Y yo peg and lays rush for K.
R shoots at K from A baulk. Misses.
Doug picks up 4-ball break with K. He is just making H3 with all the balls.
He has a spread, Y is 3 yds off W boundary, R at the peg.
Bryant shoots Y from C3.
Misses to C4.
U picks up 3-ball break, just made H1. Y is still in C4.
Makes H3, and takes off, leaving R there, to Y in C4. K is 4 yds N of H4.
Poor roll out of C4 leave Y well short of H5. Gets rush to H4.
Sets up R and K before making H5. Peels 4b with rush to H6. Y is 6 yds E of 1b, almost behind H6.
Rushes R after H6 to E boundary opposite H5. Splits to 4 yds NE of 2b, going to K.
Sends K just behind penult going to Y at 1b.
Sends Y to 3b going to K after 1b. Gets no rush, and leaves it behind penult getting a rush to 2b.
Sets up R and K at penult before going to Y at 3b.
Spoke too soon. He tries death roll, and succeeds in jawsing K.
Gets forward rush out of 3b. Rushes to penult, rush peels K to S of peg. Takes off back to R and gets rush to 4b.
Puts R and K to rover before going to Y at penult. K is 1 yd in front of rover.
Irish peels from 1 ft in front, angled. U bounces back to runnable position. Finishes to win +26tp and level the match.
Bryant plays Y to Supershot position 2 yds N of rover.
K to E boundary just N of H5.
R shoots at K from A baulk, misses leaving no double.
U shoots at Y, misses to N boundary in front of H3.
R taps K, sends it to H2. Gets 2 yd rush on Y. Gets angled H1, but quite close. Runs with control. Should get his break from here.
Sends Y well W of H2, behind H6. Makes H2 with rush E which he takes to C3.
Sorry, missed some of that. Bryant is now on controlled break, having just made H3.
Looks like Bryant's H6 pioneer must have hit the peg, and is sitting alongside it. He is having a pop on U going to Y at the peg. K is at 1b. Gets his peel and rush.
Rolls Y to 2b after H6, getting rush on U to 1b. He seems to be eyeing up the H2 peel before making 1b, which doesn't look wise. Changes his mind. Sends U instead 2 yds back from H2 - looks like he isn't going to peel H2 at all now.
U is hit after 1b, and sent to 3b so only one pop.
K is left on the back of H1 after making 2b.
3b is made off U. Y is by the peg.
Gets rush on U after 3b which he takes to the peg. Splits it to 6 yds WNW of the peg going to K. I guess K isn't where he wanted it. Rushes Kto 6 yds N of H4, and rushes Y to C2.
Lays up with Y in C2, R 1 yd S on W boundary.
U shoots at R from where it lies. Misses.
Bryant tries a promotion canon, but it fails. He has rushed U to 6 yds in front of H2, and has to take off back to R for a rush to H1. Nails it. Rushes R to C4 after H1 and sends it to H3 with rush on K to U. Standard tp position.
R is peeled after H3.
Penult peel after H6, R has gone almost to the peg.
Fails to get peeling position before 3b. Tries the rush after 3b instead. Takes it just too far.
Bryant has just made penult. R is 1 yd in front of rover.
Peels from about 2 ft straight. He has left U on the wrong side of rover. Irishes it, Y sticks in jaws. Runs and hits U. Finishes to win +6tpo, -26tp, +25tp