Soo (USA) v Clarke (NZ)
Submitted by Admin on Wed, 18/08/2010 - 17:28 +0100
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Soo (USA) v Clarke (NZ)
Submitted by Admin on Wed, 18/08/2010 - 17:28 +0100
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Singles day for NZ/USA today, as GB/Aus play doubles. As I write, the sun is glaring on my screen, and we are trying to rig up a sun-shade. The forecast is dry until later this afternoon. Lawns were measured at 11/11.5 last night, may be getting quicker.
I'm sat at the manager's table between lawns 2 and 3. This match is on Lawn 4, so difficult to judge ball positions accurately.
While I'm waiting for the match to start, I'd just like to comment on the excellent hospitality here at Surbiton. Very friendly atmosphere, excellent food, lots of willing volunteers helping with all the little chores. Many thanks to all involved.
Clarke plays U supershot to 1 yd past rover
Soo plays R just out of C2.
K hits R, rolls to U and has 3 yds rush SSE. Rushes to near H4, and splits U to peg high behind H1, and she has a 1.5 yd hoop which she runs into U. R is near peg.
Sends U to H3, gets poor rush on R but plays a good approach and has another 1.5yd hoop, which she runs. She has a 3-ball break now.
Clarke is approaching H6 with her break in good shape.
Grimsley is approaching H4 with full control of the break.
Jenny makes 3b. Looks like she's going for 3 ducks leave.
Soo shoots Y from end of B baulk, missing to level with H1.
Clarke sends R to H2, rushes to Y. Takes off and make H1 off Y. Rushes Y to peg-high, and takes off back to K.
K goes 4 yds short of H3, but all is on for a standard tp here.
Clarke is attempting peel from about 1.5 yds straight after running H3. Goes through cleanly by about 2 yds.
Rushes R to peg after H4 - the rush was longish and obviously she took it thinner than she wanted. Takes off to K and rushes to E boundary opposite H6. Splits well to H6 as she goes to Y at H5.
A bit of a rough pick-up here. U has been sent to be on the wire at H4. Poor rush on R, goes well S of K Sends R to H2 and rushes K to 3 yds E of H1. Good approach, and runs with rush to R.
Sorry, wrong commentary syndrome. Ignore the last posting. Jenny is peeling penult from 1 ft in front after making H6.
K is jawsed.
Jenny rushes to N boundary behind H3, splits to 2b but goes off W boundary by 1b.
Soo plays Y at ib and hits U. Peels K. Easy break.
Jeff is on a controlled break, and has K at rover as he makes H4 off U. R is near H6.
Jeff peels K after H5. Doesn't get a rush back to it after H6, so ignores K and splits R to 2b going to U at 1b. R goes 7 yds short.
Rolls U to 3b, with 4 yd rush on K. Cuts it and it cannons into R. Takes off for rush to 2b.
Jeff is continuing his break, and has put K to penult as he makes 4b off R.
Jeff pegs out K. Rushes R to C4. Leaves it there and puts Y in C2.
U takes contact from Y in C2. Rolls to 2b. Gets 3 yd angled hoop. Runs. Hits long return roquet, sending Y 6 yds W of 3b. Splits Y to peg high behind 3b going to R in c4.
Jenny plays stop approach - good shot. R goes near 4b, she has 2 ft hoop. Runs well past Y to R.
Sends R to past penult getting rush on Y to 4b. Poor rush goes off E boundary alongside the hoop. Good approach, has a 1 yd hoop which she runs.
Simple 3-ball break to finish. Clarke wins +14.
They keep the same colours and go straight into game 2.
Y supershot 3 yds past rover.
U goes to just out of C2.
R hits U. Rolls U out to 4 yds E of peg, gets 2 yd rush on Y to H1.
Jeff makes H1, but gets a poor rush on R to H2, and has an approach from the boundary SW of the hoop. Good approach but he bounces off the hoop to the W side. U is almost on the N boundary behind H2.
K misses U to W boundary. R runs hoop and hits U. It can't have been to the side after all! Ignores K and has 3-ball break.
Jeff rushes U to K after H4. Goes off N boundary behind H2. Takes off to K and gets rush to 7 yds N of H4. Sends to H6 going to Y which is behind H5.
Jeff now has controlled 4 ball break, just made 1b.
Jeff is laying a spread, with K 2 yds from W boundary, U at the peg.
K shoots from where it lies. I guess there is some kind of target. Misses.
Jeff picks up break. He has U at H3, and sends K behind H2 as he goes to R at H2.
Makes H2, sends K to peg, getting rush on R. Puts R 1 yd in front of 4b before making H3. Peels R after H3. Makes H4 with U still 6 yds N of H5. Rushes K after H4 to wide of H5. Takes off to R, but gets no useful rush.
Rolls R into penult going to U at H5. Makes H5 and rushes U W of peg. Sends back to wide of the peg, rushes K to R at H6.
Peels R after H6, going to U near peg. R goes peg high, gets rush due W on U. Cuts to W boundary opposite 1b. K is just behind 1b.
U goes to just short of rover as he goes to K.
positions R at rover getting rush on U to 2b.
Peels rover going to 3b. Should finish from here.
Commentater's curse. He's just stuck in 3b from nowhere.
K hits Y, sends it 7 yds S of H2 getting rush on R to H1. Makes H1 and hits R in the hoop stroke. U is at H3. Rolls R to H6, gets rush on Y to H2. Easy break from here.
I looked like Jenny was going for a 1-back leave, but she has just rushed partner to 1b and made it. I'm guessing she didn't get the crosswire at H1.
Y has just gone to 4b, so I guess she has decided to go to the peg and have R off.
Yep, R is pegged off. U is rushed to 6 yds E of C2, and she plays a thick take-off towards C1 putting it 2 yds E of C2. K goes off W boundary with H1 blocking approach to 3b.
Y splits U out to behind 4b, going to K. Rolls to 3b. Didn't see if he tried the hoop, but now has angled position.
K retires to C2.
Y tries jump shot, but fails 3b to E boundary.
U shoots at K. Misses.
U/K are corner balls in contact. May be wired from Y. Y plays to S boundary in front of 3b.
U plays, takes off to Y. Rolls to H1. Goes short.
U retires to N boundary, 4 yds E of K. Y shoots at K. Misses.
U hits K cannoning Y into corner. Takes off and rushes Y to H1.
Makes H1 with forward rush on Y. Over-cuts it and it goes off mid W boundary. Y is sent to H3 on direct hoop approach. Has 1.5yd slightly angled hoop, which she makes. Hits K (7 yds). Should have 3-ball break from here.
Clake makes H4, but H5 pioneer is well SW of the hoop. Splits to get 4 yd rush on it. Rushes past hoop, approaches well and runs. Still has 3-ball break.
Runs 3b long, and misses return roquet on Y (7 yds). K is at 4b. Y is 5 yds behind 3b.
Y is lifted to A baulk, Shoots at U (6/7 yds). Hits cutting in by a yd. Approaches Hoop well, has 2 ft hoop. Runs and hits U in hoop stroke. Should finish from here.
Jeff finishes to win +5 and levels the match.
They break for lunch.
K supershot, just past rover.
Y to max position E boundary.
U shoots at Y from A baulk. Misses.
R hits K, rushing to H2. Takes off to U/Y. Rushes Y to H1 and is away.
Jeff is setting up diagonal spread. Y and K are at the peg as he makes 3b off U.
U looks close to W boundary, K is by peg. Lays up on E boundary with good spread.
U shoots at Y/R from A baulk. Misses.
Jeff sets up 3-ball break but sticks in H1 and gives it to Jenny (K).
Jenny now has 4-ball break, making H4.
Jenny has just sent her 1b pioneer almost off the N boundary in fron of 1b. Thought she would roll Y to 1b going to U at H6, but she takes off and leaves Y W of the peg. Makes H6 and gets rush on Y to N boundary behind R.
Recovers the break, and Y is left off W boundary in max length position, R goes to 3b as she approaches 2b off partner. Looks like an NSL.
NSL it is. She has to rush partner to E boundary after 3b before putting R in position, but seems to have coped.
Jeff Lifts Y and shoots from C3. Misses to C4.
Jenny plays U, gets K 6 yds off boundary and takes off to Y. Plays a good shot, Y to H2, rush to H1 on R.
K is peeled from 1 ft in front after H3. Everything for a standard tp.
Hits Y in the hoop stroke after H4, so ignores K and goes straight to H5 sending Y close to H6.
Gets forward rush out of H5. Rushes it to N boundary in front of H3. Sends it well to 1b getting rush on K.
Has 2 yd angled peel attempt after H6. About 30 deg by the look of it. Plays it well, and K sticks in the jaws.
Gets a poor rush on R at 1b, and approaches from 3 yds in front. Copes.
Rush peels after 1b to 1 yd in front of rover. Goes for the immediate peel and it just creeps through. Should be all over.
Nice tight control, and Clarke wins +14, -5, +17tp