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Commentary on Day 3 at Surbiton


Good morning from Surbiton. The sun is almost breaking through the clouds. It is a pleasant temperature and the players are practicing.

The bell sounds to mark the end of the 5 minute practice.

I'm going to try and cover Bamford v Hockey on lawn 3 and Openshaw v M. Fletcher on lawn 2

1. Bamford (RY) 15y narrow supershot

2. Hockey (UK) has finished between h3 and h4..........I guess he must have dribbled at the supershot from C1

3. Reg shoots at Simons ball towards C4............hits. He's made 1 and has a break




1. Malcolm 8y N of C4

2. Openshaw just S of C2

3. Malcolm hits partner from A-Baulk, takes off to C2 and makes a leave by rolling David's ball 13y S and 2 feet E of C2 and then leaving himself a rush on that towards his partner ball close to the E boundary. I really don't like that as a leave

4. David shoots from C1 and misses by 2 feet, going off S of C2.

5. Malcolm makes hoop 1, but without any useful rush and has sent partner to h3. He'll now need to take off from a ball at h4 to David's ball near C2 and approach h2 from there.

A very good approach to h2 leaves a 3 foot straight hoop which he runs.

As an aside, I have no idea why Malcolm is playing consecutive games on lawn 2 - the lawn allocations have been poor so far.


Reg is still going round 3rd turn



3 (CONT.) Reg went to 3-b with a defensive spread.

4. Simon missed the short lift from A-Baulk


5(cont.) Malcolm reaches 4-b with an NSL

6. David lifts the ball at h2 and shoots from A-Baulk at Malcolm's 4-b ball...............misses

7. Malcolm doesn't rush close enough to C3 to be able to send the ball to h2, so sends it 4y WSW of h6 going back to partner. He croquets partner 4y N of hoop 4 getting a rush on the ball by h4 to H1 and plays the rush well, but clangs a fairly easy hoop

8. It looks like Malcolm's ball has finished on the left hand wire of h1. David hasa 12 yarder at partner W of H6 - will he shoot or dribble to join up?

David waits for the double banker (he hates double banking).

David shoots at normal pace and rushes it to hoop 2



5. (cont.) Reg has made hoop 1 and has a quadruple peel in front of him. Will he be able to rush back after h2 for an early 3-b peel?

Openshaw v M. Fletcher

8. (cont.) David has made h1 with a 4-ball break ahead of him. TPO or ball to 4-b?


Bamford v Hockey

5 (cont.) Reg rushes partner back to 3-b after h2, but fails to get it in peeling position. Next step is trying to peel 3-b before h4 rather than after. This will help the tempo of the turn.

Openshaw v M. Fletcher

8. (cont.) No attempt at a tpo.


Bamford v Hockey

5 (cont.) No attempt to peel before h4. Just a traditional quadruple then. Peels 3-b by 13yards after h4. The hoop moved a long way - they are very disappointing here. I think Roehampton offers the best test despite extremely easy hoops.

Bamford v Hockey

5 (cont.) Reg peels 4-b before h6. Looking a bit concerned at his angled hoop 6, fails an 18 inch 45 degree hoop into the jaws. That's 3 points lost for Bamford Fantasy owners - can Simon make it 13?

6. Simon has a go at the ball in the jaws and bounces off the wire to 9y W.


Openshaw v M. Fletcher

8. (cont.) David looks like he's trying to make an MSL. Now it has turned into an NSL with Malcolm's h1 ball near the west boundary.

Bamford v Hockey

7. 6 minutes have passed since Simon missed. No strokes have been played


Openshaw v M. Fletcher

9. Malcolm lifts his 4-b ball and takes the long lift..............misses

Bamford v Hockey

7. Reg runs 6 and hits a 6 yarder at his 1-b pioneer. That should be all over now


Openshaw v M. Fletcher

10. David has the option to rush partner to h1 or to the ball near h2. Rushes to 3y west of h1. Good approach and he has a 3-ball break. Delayed tp attempt to follow, or maybe just a dour ball to the peg

Bamford v Hockey

7 (cont) Reg fails the penult peel before 3-b, but still has full control


Openshaw v M. Fletcher


10.(cont.) This could be a long turn since David is waiting for Alan Walsh who is just ahead of him. He's just told me he's considering having an early lunch!!


Openshaw v M. Fletcher

10. (cont.) Alan Walsh (the double banker) wedges in h2 and the hoop is reset. I checked h1 on the lawn earlier today and it was very accurately set, although disappointying not very firm.

David has made h2 and gone to sit down on a bench.


Bamford v Hockey

7. (cont.) Reg peel penult before 4 back and now needs a straight rover peel to win +26

Bamford v Hockey

Reg is peeling rover from 18" 5 degrees. He has good deep and side balls.


Openshaw v M. Fletcher

10. (cont.) Whilst I'm waiting, I'll give some background on this game. Malcolm is in all sorts of trouble on 2/6 and needs to win all his games today. David is in a reasonable position on 4/6, but has only beaten number 7, 8, 9 and 10. It is a crucial game for both players

Bamford v Hockey

7. (cont.) Reg peels by 3" and power jumps through the hoop and over the peelee. Reg wins +26


Openshaw v M. Fletcher

10. (cont.) David takes off after hoop 3 to the ball in C4 and has a shot I always hate. He's got a 3 yarder at the C4 ball and a 2 footer on his deep h4 pioneer...........hits and now has a chance of a delayed tp

David has made h4 and it looks like he's not trying any peeling as he sends out a pivot.



Openshaw v M. Fletcher

10. (cont.) David has made 1-b and is sitting on his bench again.

Openshaw v M. Fletcher

10. (cont.) David McCullough's partner to 3-b (to avoid any temptation of a 4-b peel attempt).

David reaches the peg with a horizontal spread.



On lawn 3, Beijderwellen and Clarke are having a very scrappy game. Jenny is 2 and 4-b with the inning against Rutger on 2-b and 4-b.

Openshaw v M. Fletcher

11. Malcolm lifts his h1 ball near the peg and shoots at David from B-Baulk...............hits. He can have a safe go at a tp with the peg out of David to fall back on if things go badly.


On lawn 3, Jenny opts for her unique method of picking up breaks from corner hoops. She is for h4 and is taking croquet 15y N of h4 with a ball in C4. She opts to take off for hoop position, slightly overhits it and then has the second chance of hitting her 9 yarder for a second approach. Unfortunately, she misses her 9 yarder. Rutger is in with his 2-b ball.

Openshaw v M. Fletcher

11. (cont.) Malcolm hasn't done very well and now has an 11 yard backward take-off to h1 finishes on the yard line.............6 yard hoop coming up..............left hand wire

12. David has a 7 yarder with his peg ball............misses and hits hoop 1 staying there to give Malcolm a good chance. Malcolm hits David's ball, sends it to hoop 2, rushes partner to h1 and now has a standard tp.



Rutger fails an angled 2-b off the East boundary - yes East. Jenny has a 4 yarder with her h4 ball...........misses.........this has been a really poor game. Rutger misses a 16 yarder at partner by 2 feet. Jenny misses a 10 yarder at partner by nothing. Rutger is now joined up with a ball at 2-b - his hoop

Openshaw v M. Fletcher

13. Malcolm is approaching h2 from 3 yards.......should be good enough........crashes through and has two loose balls at hoop 3. Runs h3 firmly and flicks his peelee. Look like he's trying a 1yard 30 degree peel. It's good. Malcolm now peeling penult after h6....peeled by 5 yards. Only manages to send his 2-b pioneer 5 yards N of 2-b



Meanwhile, Rutger has run 3-b to the N boundary...........turns down an 8 yarder and takes a 10 yarder which leaves partner at 4-b.............misses. At this point, it is probably worth noting Rutger's record against women. Lost to Miranda in the K.O. of the last Worlds, lost to Gabrielle in this year's Surreys. About 7 errors so far in this game. Jenny has hit in with her h4 ball and has made h4 with the other 2 balls at 4-b. She rushes to h5 and makes it. recap Rutger 4-b and 4-b v Jenny 4-b and break

Openshaw v M. Fletcher

13 (cont.) Malcolm fails 1-b - he seemed to have control and got a slightly angled hoop. He's bounced back to 6" position and David has a 7 yarder with his 4-b ball..........hits. A bit of work to do, but should finish to put Malcolm out of the event, barring multiple perfect results.

14. David needs to rush from 1-b to 4-b.......................finishes 3y SW...........he's approached ok and run the hoop.

Openshaw v M. Fletcher

14 (cont.) Openshaw wins +9


Meanwhile Jenny is still on her dour break to the peg and has reached 3-b. She rushes to "worse than death" position and opts to back-peel through h4. Good shot. She runs 3-b by 12 yards and has a 7 yarder to recover.............centre ball. She could do with getting a rush on brown which is 5yards S of h4................not bad, hits it centre ball to 11y N of C4 nd now can roll it to penult going to an average 4-b pioneer. Copes

Jenny makes it to the peg. Rutger balls are 5y W of the peg 2 feet off the middle of the E boundary. Jenny has rolled to C4 and left a perfect double from A-Baulk.

Rutger lifts the ball near the E boundary and takes the double from A-Baulk................misses on the left

Jenny should finish from would be a big win for her.

Jenny fails to get a rush to the ball W of the peg, but has a straight rush to 4-b.........overhits it by 5yards..........not easy now.


Jenny opts not to approach the hoop and takes off to the ball W of the peg............short. Takes off to 4-b..............short. She'll be coming back home to partner near C4. Goes in C4, leaving herself a 5-6 yarder.

Rutger is playing the ball behind 4-b at partner 4y WNW of H5..................hits

Rutger has made 4-b and pen and will be planning to peg Jenny out leaving 4-b and peg v 4-b

Rutger doesn't seem to want to peg Jenny out since it is his rover pioneer. After rover he runs into the peg ball and croquets it inside the E yard line peg high going to 2 balls at the peg.

He's now rolling Jenny's 4-b into spread position from 3 feet.......looks ok.

Rutger lays up 18y N of C1 with a rush East.


Can't see Jenny doing anything other than playing her 4-b ball and shooting at Rutger from C1.........yep, that's her choice

Jenny shoots from C1................misses

Not a trivial finish for Rutger. Very good first rush to 3y S of the ball in the middle of the East boundary should give him lots of room to nudge a ball out. Gets partner 5yards into the lawn, but his rush to 4-b points closer to C3. It is a short rush though, so should be an easy cut.........rushes to 3 feet W of 4-b

Rutger underhits his penult approach off partner............jumping...........through the hoop (they are 3 and 3/4") and comes out at 45 degrees on the other side. That's both the last 2 worlds where we haven't had Championship hoops which is disappointing given the standards set at Christchurch and Palm Beach.

Rutger wins +5




That's me done for a few hours.

