Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 16:48.
Rutger has standard TP.
Hockey rolls ball to penult trying to get rush on ball near 1 back, only gets a rush N. Rushes it to boundary behind 4 back takes off to 1-2 yards and runs it
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 16:48.
Beard misses tea lady
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 16:50.
Johnston setting up to peel 4back before 6
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 16:52.
Hockey finishes
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 16:56.
Lawn 1 Forster 2 v Clarke 3
Lawn 2 Burch 0 v Trimmer 3
Lawn 3 (Primary) Fletcher 3 v Avery 0
Lawn 3 (Secondary) Bamford 2 v Beard 0 - Reg at hoop 2 setting up for sextuple against 2 and 3back
Lawn 4 Death 3 v Evans 2
Lawn 5 Maugham 2 v Beijderwellen 0 - Maugham penult and rover. Rutger on standard TP at hoop 6
Lawn 6 Chapman 2 v Hockey 2 - Between games
Lawn 7 Fulford 2 v Johnston 1 - Johnston fails 6 with one peel done against one and one back giving the innings to Rob's one back ball (other ball for hoop 1)
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:00.
Rob is doing a DPO.
Rutger at 2back with a peel to do
Reg peeling 2 back getting a rush to 4
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:01.
Rutger fails to get rover going to 3back
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:02.
Rob calls for ref on lawn 7 think it is just for a pretty routine roquet at the ball in penult
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:03.
No it is worse than I thought he needs to take off to 2back pioneer from the jaws
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:05.
Rob copes with a 3 yard approach.
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:09.
Looks like Paddy has hit 3rd turn of a corner 2 opening and is making a DL.
Rutger finishes, trails Maugham 1-2
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:11.
Reg setting up to peel 4back getting a rush to 2back
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:11.
Hockey misses from B baulk into corner 4
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:14.
Paddy fails hoop 1 giving Simon an easy start.
Rob has a hampered shot after penult but doesnt look concerned about it - has a straight peel of oppo to do
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:15.
Rob has missed, lucky if he isnt giving the game away
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:17.
Looks like Hockey has missed his return roquet after two and Paddy has hit partner at hoop 2 from hoop 3
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:18.
Reg on three back with 2 peels to do
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:19.
Johnston making 6 with a ball at 1back - think he has one peel to do
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:23.
I think Paddy has failed hoop 1 again and Simon has an easy roquet again off Simon's hoop 1 ball. he makes 1 has a pretty ropey ball at 2 and no rush
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:29.
Somehow unbeknown to anyone at the end of the third turn rutger has his balls on the E boundary 10 yard S of corner 3 and 10 yards N of corner 4. Dave missed from corner 3 to corner 4.
Rutger shot N at partner and hit took off to corner 2 moved that ball towards hoop 1 and joined up in corner 3. Dave shot from hoop 1 to corner 4 and missed - Rutger going round
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:29.
Hockey going round
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:30.
Andrew making penult with the peel still to do I think
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:31.
Reg completes his sextuple to win 3-0
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:32.
Johnston wins to equalise 2-2, apparently he jawsed the peel with the first croquet stroke of the turn
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:37.
Hoops being reset on lawn 7
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:37.
Rutger going to 4back
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:40.
Guessing Hockey has a reverse B spread about a 7 yard join on W boundary.
Paddy lifting ball in the middle and shooting at double from near corner 1 - misses to corner 2
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:40.
Hockey misses shooting S at partner into corner 1
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:44.
Paddy shoots from corner 2 at partner near the E boundary misses. Hockey shoots from corner 1 at partner and misses into corner 2
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:45.
Paddy misses whatever join he had to Hockey's ball in corner 2 - which you have to assume is his hoop 3 ball
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:46.
Rutger has NSL Maugham lifts ball by hoop 4
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:47.
Maugham hits. Hoops still being reset on 7
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:51.
Hockey fails hoop 3. Paddy has croquet between 3 and 4 with a ball in the jaws of 3 and partner by hoop 4.
Maugham makes hoop 1 and has a break.
Fulford is in the clubhouse
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:52.
Paddy runs hoop 1 and has a cast iron break
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:56.
Johnston to E boundary
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:57.
Rob to corner 2
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:57.
Dave setting up for TPO
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:58.
Johnston misses from corner 3
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 18:00.
Apparently I missed Dave grovelling through two missing the hoop 3 pioneer and Rutger missed a 6 yarder letting Dave carry on his break
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 18:02.
Fulford has hit the southern ball from A baulk takes off up boundary plays a good rush but it is only to N boundary in front of 1back
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 18:06.
This is possibly the longest time I have ever seen Rob take over a shot
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 18:07.
Hes played it while I was writing that looks like he has intentionally croqueted Johnston out in corner 1 and joined up in corner 2
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 18:09.
Johnston shoots from corner 1 and hits partner
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 18:10.
Paddy has diagonal spread simon taking long lift with ball for hoop 4
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 18:11.
Hockey misses.
Dave has slightly scrappy position for peeling rover going to 3back
Andy takes off well to Robs balls in corner2
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 18:13.
Andy rushes well to 1 with a ball half way between 2 and the corner.
Dave gets the peel - wouldnt be a good time for a Maugham error
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 18:18.
Andy has break under control at hoop 3
Paddy has standard TP at hoop 3
Dave is trying a POP before rover
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 18:25.
The POP failed he ran rover with a rush on partner S, he rushed it off the middle off the S boundary (not quite in baulk) and pegged two off
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 18:31.
Rutger approaches to 8 feet and runs 1 off the N boundary (daves ball peg high between 1 and 2)
Paddy has made 1 back with a peel done, doesnt have total control
Andy at 2back
Submitted by Chris Clarke on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 18:32.
Rutger misses and Dave misses, Rutger rolling up to hoop 2 from corner 1
Rutger has standard TP.
Hockey rolls ball to penult trying to get rush on ball near 1 back, only gets a rush N. Rushes it to boundary behind 4 back takes off to 1-2 yards and runs it
Beard misses tea lady
Johnston setting up to peel 4back before 6
Hockey finishes
Lawn 1 Forster 2 v Clarke 3
Lawn 2 Burch 0 v Trimmer 3
Lawn 3 (Primary) Fletcher 3 v Avery 0
Lawn 3 (Secondary) Bamford 2 v Beard 0 - Reg at hoop 2 setting up for sextuple against 2 and 3back
Lawn 4 Death 3 v Evans 2
Lawn 5 Maugham 2 v Beijderwellen 0 - Maugham penult and rover. Rutger on standard TP at hoop 6
Lawn 6 Chapman 2 v Hockey 2 - Between games
Lawn 7 Fulford 2 v Johnston 1 - Johnston fails 6 with one peel done against one and one back giving the innings to Rob's one back ball (other ball for hoop 1)
Rob is doing a DPO.
Rutger at 2back with a peel to do
Reg peeling 2 back getting a rush to 4
Rutger fails to get rover going to 3back
Rob calls for ref on lawn 7 think it is just for a pretty routine roquet at the ball in penult
No it is worse than I thought he needs to take off to 2back pioneer from the jaws
Rob copes with a 3 yard approach.
Looks like Paddy has hit 3rd turn of a corner 2 opening and is making a DL.
Rutger finishes, trails Maugham 1-2
Reg setting up to peel 4back getting a rush to 2back
Hockey misses from B baulk into corner 4
Paddy fails hoop 1 giving Simon an easy start.
Rob has a hampered shot after penult but doesnt look concerned about it - has a straight peel of oppo to do
Rob has missed, lucky if he isnt giving the game away
Looks like Hockey has missed his return roquet after two and Paddy has hit partner at hoop 2 from hoop 3
Reg on three back with 2 peels to do
Johnston making 6 with a ball at 1back - think he has one peel to do
I think Paddy has failed hoop 1 again and Simon has an easy roquet again off Simon's hoop 1 ball. he makes 1 has a pretty ropey ball at 2 and no rush
Somehow unbeknown to anyone at the end of the third turn rutger has his balls on the E boundary 10 yard S of corner 3 and 10 yards N of corner 4. Dave missed from corner 3 to corner 4.
Rutger shot N at partner and hit took off to corner 2 moved that ball towards hoop 1 and joined up in corner 3. Dave shot from hoop 1 to corner 4 and missed - Rutger going round
Hockey going round
Andrew making penult with the peel still to do I think
Reg completes his sextuple to win 3-0
Johnston wins to equalise 2-2, apparently he jawsed the peel with the first croquet stroke of the turn
Hoops being reset on lawn 7
Rutger going to 4back
Guessing Hockey has a reverse B spread about a 7 yard join on W boundary.
Paddy lifting ball in the middle and shooting at double from near corner 1 - misses to corner 2
Hockey misses shooting S at partner into corner 1
Paddy shoots from corner 2 at partner near the E boundary misses. Hockey shoots from corner 1 at partner and misses into corner 2
Paddy misses whatever join he had to Hockey's ball in corner 2 - which you have to assume is his hoop 3 ball
Rutger has NSL Maugham lifts ball by hoop 4
Maugham hits. Hoops still being reset on 7
Hockey fails hoop 3. Paddy has croquet between 3 and 4 with a ball in the jaws of 3 and partner by hoop 4.
Maugham makes hoop 1 and has a break.
Fulford is in the clubhouse
Paddy runs hoop 1 and has a cast iron break
Johnston to E boundary
Rob to corner 2
Dave setting up for TPO
Johnston misses from corner 3
Apparently I missed Dave grovelling through two missing the hoop 3 pioneer and Rutger missed a 6 yarder letting Dave carry on his break
Fulford has hit the southern ball from A baulk takes off up boundary plays a good rush but it is only to N boundary in front of 1back
This is possibly the longest time I have ever seen Rob take over a shot
Hes played it while I was writing that looks like he has intentionally croqueted Johnston out in corner 1 and joined up in corner 2
Johnston shoots from corner 1 and hits partner
Paddy has diagonal spread simon taking long lift with ball for hoop 4
Hockey misses.
Dave has slightly scrappy position for peeling rover going to 3back
Andy takes off well to Robs balls in corner2
Andy rushes well to 1 with a ball half way between 2 and the corner.
Dave gets the peel - wouldnt be a good time for a Maugham error
Andy has break under control at hoop 3
Paddy has standard TP at hoop 3
Dave is trying a POP before rover
The POP failed he ran rover with a rush on partner S, he rushed it off the middle off the S boundary (not quite in baulk) and pegged two off
Rutger approaches to 8 feet and runs 1 off the N boundary (daves ball peg high between 1 and 2)
Paddy has made 1 back with a peel done, doesnt have total control
Andy at 2back
Rutger misses and Dave misses, Rutger rolling up to hoop 2 from corner 1